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Updated: Jul 30, 2019

Louisiana Appleseed and its partners worked with school liaisons to identify and address the gaps that prevent homeless children from receiving an adequate education.

Legal Partners:

Barrasso Usdin Kupperman Freeman and Sarver, LLC

Community Partners:

Orleans Parish School Board


Salvation Army

Junior League of New Orleans


Louisiana Appleseed created English and Spanish versions of community education bookmarks alongside attorney volunteers at Barrasso Usdin Kupperman Freeman and Sarver, LLC. The bookmarks informed schools, parents, and students about their educational rights under the McKinney-Vento Act. The act outlines the rights a child has to enroll and attend a school immediately, even without the regularly required paperwork. The bookmarks helped children in homeless situations get back to school by providing their parents, guardians, teachers, and schools with the basics on the McKinney-Vento Act as well as guidance on where to go for more information. Advocates distributed over 9,000 English bookmarks across the Greater New Orleans area with the assistance of the Orleans Parish School Board and organizations such as UNITY, Salvation Army, and Junior League of New Orleans. They also distributed approximately 1,200 Spanish bookmarks to targeted locations.

Bookmark (English)

Bookmark (Spanish)

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