Louisiana Appleseed and volunteers have been encouraging schools to teach about relationship abuse, as well as healthy relationships.
Legal Partners:
Kean Miller LLP
Community Partners:
Louisiana Coalition Against Domestic Violence, Louisiana Department of Education, Jeannine Sullivan (Louisiana Appleseed Legal Fellow), Prevention Task Force Members, Louisiana Association of Public Charter Schools
Louisiana Appleseed and volunteers prepared an analysis of other states’ courtroom interpreter standards and drafted a model court rule for the Louisiana Supreme Court’s consideration, as well as a model Code of Professional Responsibility. Along with the Language Access Coalition, Appleseed advocated for the adoption of this rule, with the support of the Louisiana State Bar Association and the Louisiana Public Defender Board. The Louisiana Supreme Court ordered the adoption of a Code of Professional Responsibility for Language Interpreters, which became effective on September 1, 2012. Louisiana Appleseed also advocated for the Louisiana Supreme Court to join the National Consortium for Language Access in Courts. In early 2012, the Louisiana Supreme Court became a member.
Louisiana Appleseed continues to advocate for state-wide interpreter standards to ensure equal access to the justice system, regardless of limited English proficiency. Louisiana Appleseed has been appointed to the Access to Justice Commission, serving on the Commission’s Language Access Subcommittee.
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