Louisiana Appleseed and volunteers created a disaster training guide to help attorneys after a disaster strikes.
Legal Partners:
Phelps Dunbar; Sher Garner Cahill Richter Klein & Hilbert, LLC; Milling Benson Woodward, LLP
Community Partners:
Acadiana Legal Service Corporation, Louisiana State Bar Association, Loyola Law School Clinic, Southeast Louisiana Legal Services Corporation
Immediately following the 2005 hurricanes, the Louisiana State Bar Association and its partners developed a manual for pro bono attorneys. This Disaster Training Manual (2024) is available to attorneys when disasters strike and enables them to provide access to legal representation for thousands of Louisiana residents, especially the poor, who face legal challenges while recovering after a disaster. Louisiana Appleseed volunteers review and update the manual annually to ensure that information is current, making the manual readily accessible for those who might need it.